
Your privacy is very important to me.

Sharing Your Content and Information

You own all of the content and information you post on Mindpasta, and you can control how it.

1. You can select to show your posts to your friends or others include your friends.
2. When you delete your post, it is deleted in our database but if you added a mind, it would remain in google search index url database.
3. You must don't post objectionable content. When users report your post as an objectionable content, we can delete your post and deactivate your account.


1. Mindpasta doesn't ask your personal information except email when you create account.
2. If you sign up with Twitter, Mindpasta doesn't collect your eamil address.
3. If you sign up with Facebook, Mindpasta collects your eamil address.
2. Mindpasta uses cookie to keep log-in session.


Everyone can use Mindpasta for free.
Date of Last Revision: August 30, 2014.